Special Offer
Do you love to travel?
Now you can plan a group vacation and travel for FREE.
Dear Concord Travel Customer, I think its time you took a vacation. How about a tour for two to Georgia completely FREE!
That’s right. A tour for two completely free! All you need to do is ask as few as 16 friends to join you and you’ll have earned a FREE trip.
How? It’s easy!
No doubt you have already shared your travel experiences with your friends and relatives by telling them about the places to which you have traveled and enjoyed.
Now, with very little effort, your enthusiasm for travel, by becoming a Concord Travel Group Leader you can select a trip of your choosing, and invite your friends, relatives and neighbors to join you.
We’ll plan the itinerary and send all of the details.
All you have to do is convert your natural enthusiasm for a destination into sales energy. Start dreaming
now. Let your imagination run wild.
We’ll turn your dreams into reality.
For more exciting details, send us e-mail.
Don’t delay! Do it today!
Managing Director