Please note that the following hotels are not the partners of the Concord Travel company and hold a reservation from our web site can not be.
Hotels & Guesthouses
Original |
The resort Ureki makes the
streak of Black Sea coast
beautiful with its climate and
cure sand. The petty-grained
magnetic sand is very black and
the main components of this sand
are: Magnetite, Titanomagnetite,
Illenit, Pyroxene, Quartz,
Apetite, Zirconium and others
which make the magnetic field.
The scientists of several
countries have proved, that the
sand of Ureki influences
positively on the people, who
have such kind of diseases as:
the organ of blood circulation,
nervous system and the diseases
of breathing system,
support-motive apparatus and the
diseases of child's contingent.
Sanatorium "Original" offers the
convenient 19 rooms for the
guests. Comfortable and cozy
atmosphere is created in the
Holiday Home, where are:
Restaurant and cafe-bar, tele-video
salon; medical massage, Chinese
dot massage. Security is
envisioned with the purpose of
the guest’s safety.
Restaurant |
Cafe-bar |
TV |
Medical massage room |
Bathroom |
Parking |