Guria one of the amazing regions of the west Georgia, differing from others by its originality. Even with the name of Guria is connected a lot of myths and legends. There is the most loving by gurians one: “There was a King of India in ancient time, who ordered to collect the beautiful people from all over the world and bring them to him. The order was executed. Following the way to India, they received news about kins death. In that moment they were on the territory of today’s Guria and decided to settle there. So that’s why said that gurians are the most beautiful people from all over the world.
But in the official fonts Guria referred from VII - VIII centuries, in the period of invasions of Marwan II and from the XIII century it’s already mentioned as Gurian principality. The residence of the gurian principles was on the place of today’s village Gurianta. In the XIX century Guria together with other Georgian regions became a part of Empery of Russia.
Guria of nowadays consists from three parts: Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri districts. It has an almost 25 kilometers length of seaside, but instead of this fact Guria mostly a mountain region. So, travelling through Guria you will have an unexampled opportunity to have a mountain and seaside style rest in the same time.
An acquaintance with funny and smart gurians, degustation of local sorts of vine and testing super alcoholic gurian drink - chacha will give a very special shade to your trip. Known, that there are very old sorts of vine still preserved in Guria, like Chkhaveri, Kamuri etc. Also in the high mountainous hills and forests could be found the wild sorts of vine.
From the earliest times gurians were known as experts of riding.
One interesting gurian phenomenon – phiraloba deserves our attention, was wide spread in XIX century. Phirals were the people fighting against governmental injustice regarding the poor people and were lived in forests. People loved the phirals, who were protectors and fighters for the justice and composed a lot of poems and songs about them.
This and a lot of other stories and national details are making the trip to Guria fairly attractive. |