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    Touren in Armenien
    Touren in Aserbaidschan
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Fauna in Armenia Flora in Armenia
  Fauna in Armenia is diverse given the country's relatively small geographic size, owing to the varied habitats created by the area's mountainess terrain. Armenia is an important area for migratory animals, about 350 different bird species were recorded in the country. Many of the world's domesticated animals originated in the area Armenia is located in, and the mouflon, the ancestor of domesticated sheep, is present there. Research suggests that about a quarter of the animal species in Armenia are internationally endangered. The mouflon are suffering a great population decline due to poaching and habitat loss, and the Sevan trout, which made up thirty percent of the fish in Lake Sevan, have virtually disappeared. The Mouflon, ancestor of domesticated sheep.
Armenian flora, fauna

Southern and south-western Armenia remains the last stronghold for survival of this cat in the whole Caucasus, in part due to its connectivity with Iran where the main portion of the Persian leopard population exists. The total population size in Armenia numbers no more than 10-20 individuals, including adults, sub adults and cubs. Special calculations were not carry out. By fragmentary data, population in Armenia is accounted not more than 25 individuals.

* Armenian Gull
* Armenian Rock Lizard
* Brown Bear
* Caspian Tiger
* Caucasian Bear
* Common Spoonbill
* Eastern Imperial Eagle
* Eumeces schneideri
* European Otter
* Greek Tortoise
* Leopard
* Long-eared Hedgehog
* Marbled Polecat
* Natterer's bat
* Pallas's Cat
* Persian Leopard
* Sevan khramulya
* Sevan trout
* Squacco Heron
* Steppe Eagle
* Syrian Brown Bear
* Vipera raddei
* Wild Goat


    With 17 vegetation zones, the variety of plant-life in Armenia is truly astounding. The country has everything from desert plants to oak, beech and pine forests, wet marshland and sub-tropic plants to alpine meadows teeming with wild flowers.

There are even virgin fields of wild grain, the forebears of the first wheat in the ancient world, believed to have been cultivated in Armenia 12-15,000 years ago. Known by their genus names Triticum Urartu and Triticum Araraticum, the wheat is native to the Ararat valley and can be found in small protected fields between Yerevan and Garni.
Armenian flora, fauna

Armenia's flora is so diverse and rich it seems all you would have to do is add cacti, palms and a rain forest, and your would pretty much complete the world's diversity of plant life.

Armenia has over 3,500 species of plants, more than half of the 6,000 that can be found in the entire Transcaucasus region. While Europe has around 20,000 species, and the entire North American continent holds 40,000 species, with a total landmass of just under 30,000 sq. kilometers (about the size of Belgium), Armenia's diversity and close proximity of so many different types of flora is often breath-taking.

Literally within an hour's drive of Yerevan, 5 completely unique topographies lie, each with its own varieties of flora, many lying on opposite sides of the highway. While one side will hold forests teeming with woodland species, the other may be semi-desert, Mediterranean marshland, mountain steppe or alpine meadow. Forests are home to particular species unique to the Transcaucasus, including the Arax Oak, Eastern Beech, Caucasian Pine, and a coniferous tree called the 'Tis'.

Native to Armenia are the apricot and peach. The apricot was taken by Alexander the Great's army back to Greece, where the Romans then spread it througout Southern Europe. Other fruits that grow in the country include apples, pears, cherries, mazzards, plums, pomegranites and an amazing variety of grapes. The Ararat Valley sustained a large cotton industry before vineyards were promoted, with further diversification in vegetables and melons.

* Acer campestre
* Apricot
* Armenian cucumber
* Downy Birch
* Black Poplar
* Elaeagnus angustifolia
* Eurasian smoketree
* European Pear
* Common Fig
* Hackberry
* Sycamore Maple
* White Mulberry
* Norway Maple
* Armenian Oak
* Pomegranate
* White Poplar
* Pyrus salicifolia
* Quince
* Sea-buckthorn
* Tatar Maple
* Wild Cherry
* White Willow


Photo Gallery Armenia